Community event planning checklist

Use this quick outdoor community event planning checklist to help you through the steps to holding a community event in the City of Port Phillip and apply for our event permit.

A City of Port Phillip Event Manager will be the main contact for all your questions, and will be available to help you apply for your permit and get through the approval process.

Phone: 03 9209 6326

Using the checklist

Outdoor Community Event - planning checklist (PDF 683 KB)

  • Items with a checkbox need to be submitted to Council to gain a permit.
  • Helpsheets are available for these items.
  • Other items can be used as prompts for your planning.
  • Event Managers are available to assist you through the process.


To apply you will need to:

Provisional approval

Once your event idea and date is approved, you will receive a provisional approval email from Council. This email will tell you what additional information you are required to submit for your permit.

Permit process

As part of the permit process, you will need to supply a:

Additional applications (if applicable)

Developing your event

You should consider the items below if you are holding an outdoor event in the City of Port Phillip.
Speak to your Event Manager if you would like further information:

CategoryPoints to consider

Site set up


  • Suitable structures and marquees
  • Weighting or pegging structures and marquees
  • Drinking water
  • Toilets
  • Vehicle access
  • Gas and electrical safety
  • If your event is on one of our foreshore spaces, you may need to apply for Costal Consent from the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP). Your event Manager can tell you if you will need this

Health safety and risk


  • Child Safety (e.g. Working with Children Checks)
  • Risk and emergency management plans
  • Extreme weather, shade and total fire bans
  • First aid
  • Certificate of Currency for Public Liability Insurance



  • Music licences, such as from OneMusic
  • How you will reduce noise at your event
  • Sometimes you may need a permit from the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) for music events

Pre-event planning


Post event


  • Debrief meeting
  • The City of Port Phillip Service Survey
  • Acquittal report, if required for funding.

External agencies

Check with your event manager if you need to be in contact with any of the following agencies.

OrganisationContact numberEmail
Ambulance VictoriaNoneNone
Council Building Services, POPE03 9209
Council Health Services, Food Services03 9209
Dial Before You Dig1100None
Energy Safe Victoria, gas safety1800 652 563None
Fire Rescue Victoria03 9662 2311None
OneMusic1300 162

Parks Victoria for events in the Bay

13 19
Public Transport Victoria1800 800 007None
FoodTrader, food registrationNoneNone
Victorian Gambling and Casino Control Commission, liquor licence1300 182 457None
VicRoads03 9854
Victoria Police03 9536 2666None

Victorian Building Association (VBA), temporary structures

1300 815 127None
WorkSafe, safe worksites and fireworks1800 136 089None
Environmental Protection Authority1300 372 842None
DELWP for Coastal Consent  

Contact us

Our Events Services team is here to help. You can send us a message on My Port Phillip, email us via, or call our helpful ASSIST team on 03 9209 6777.