Cost and time

There are different factors that can impact the time it takes to finish a building project and how much it costs.

What impacts time for an approval?

The main reasons that affect the time it takes for getting a planning application approved include:

  • if Council needs to request more information to review an application
  • the time it takes to advertise a planning application
  • if Council needs to ask other people from outside the Planning team or outside the Council to help review an application
  • if the application has to be reported to the Planning Committee of Council for a decision. This usually occurs when many objections are received
  • whether Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT) needs to review a decision
  • if you need to change your plans after a permit has been approved
  • applying for an asset protection permit too close to the start of construction.

Sometimes you have no control of these factors, but you can help the process by:

  • speaking to your neighbours early and letting them know your plans
  • applying for permits as early as possible
  • replying quickly to Council when more information is needed
  • addressing concerns of Council before advertising of the proposal. Council will let you know of key concerns before advertising.

Once all the information has been received and advertising (if needed) is finished, it can take between two or three months for a decision to be made. Council officers will contact you to let you know if there are any delays.

Costs and planning fees

Some of the different costs for a project can include:

  • the cost of hiring experts and professionals
  • fees when you submit an application
  • fees for advertising an application
  • fees for amending plans and proposals
  • credit card fees.

Planning fees

Planning fees change every now and then. 

Metropolitan Planning Levy

The Metropolitan Planning Levy only applies to planning permit applications that have development costs over a certain amount.

The levy is collected by the State Revenue Office, which publishes any increases in the levy cost by 31 March each year.

Council can ask to verify the estimated cost of a development if it does not look right.

How do I pay the Metropolitan Planning Levy?

The levy amount is paid to the State Revenue Office before you submit a planning application with Council.

Help and support

If you have any questions or need help, please contact us:

Online: My Port Phillip online services
Phone: 03 9209 6424
In person: visit the Planning & Building Counter at St Kilda Town Hall during opening hours (8:30 am to 5 pm, Monday to Friday)

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