Using Port Phillip maps
Port Phillip maps can help you travel around Port Phillip, find services and facilities near you, and discover property information. Maps include:
- Accessibility
- HerStory - Women and Places Map
- Development Activity Model
- Near Me
- Planning Ahead
- Your Heritage, Our Heritage
Need help? Take a look over the tips and tricks listed below.
Search for your nearest facilities or services by first entering your address. You can type the address in fully or choose the corresponding address from the list.

Select the nearest category you are interested in on the left hand side such as 'car share'. The category you select will be highlighted on the map.

Find more information about your selected, highlighted category by expanding the category.

Browse by using your mouse, touch screen or keyboard

Aerial view
Use the 'Aerial' Button at the top of the map to fade between the map and aerial imagery.

Map keys
To find out more information about the symbols on the map, select the 'Legend' in the top left corner.

To print a copy of the Map as a PDF, select the 'print' icon on the top left hand corner of the menu.

A feedback link is available below the map for users to provide comments regarding site content, usability and accessibility.

Land size or construction date information
LANDATA® holds and manages information on:
- the area (size) of a parcel of land or building
- construction date of a building.
LANDATA® operates on behalf of the Victorian Land Registry Services.
Enter your property’s details and then request a Valuation Report.
Map disclaimer
Maps contain information relating to properties, features and assets located within the City of Port Phillip sourced from internal and external agencies.
Care has been taken to ensure that data is accurate and current. However, some variations from records do exist, and complete accuracy cannot be guaranteed and data may not be appropriate fit for your particular purpose.
The City of Port Phillip employees disclaim all liability for any error, loss or consequences which may arise from you relying on any information contained in this material.