Alcohol and other drugs

Discover what Council is doing to reduce alcohol and drug-related harms, the expected public behaviours in Port Phillip and what you can do to help.

Alcohol and other drugs are present in Australia and for many are socially acceptable. Misuse of alcohol and other drugs, and the consumption of tobacco or vaping are harmful to individuals, families and communities. The associated harms have devastating impacts on both health and well-being, and community safety. 

What are we doing to reduce harms associated with alcohol and other drugs?

Part of our approach to reducing alcohol-related harms includes controls on public consumption through our local laws. This includes alcohol and glass bans at certain times of the year and in certain places.

We support the safe disposal of drug litter through daily cleaning programs and syringe disposal collection. Find out more at syringes.

We also work with partners to minimise harms through awareness raising campaigns and local engagement activities. 

Facts about drug and alcohol harms

Data describing alcohol and drug-related harms is accessed from the Turning Point website. This is a public data site and can be accessed at any time.

Addressing anti-social behaviour

We can feel anxious when we see people in our community suffering the effects of alcohol or drug dependency.

If you see any dangerous or life-threatening behaviour or are in danger, call triple zero (000) immediately

Victoria Police have the power to move a person on if they believe on reasonable grounds that the person is, or is likely to:

  • breach the peace
  • endanger the safety of any other person
  • cause injury to another person of damage to property
  • cause a reasonable apprehension of violence
  • cause an undue obstruction to another person or traffic
  • procure or supply a drug of dependence
  • impede another person from entering or leaving a premises.

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