Skip bin permit

A Skip Bin Permit must be obtained by a skip bin company before a bulk rubbish container is placed on a road or Council land, under Community Amenity Local Law (2023), Clause 29

How do I lodge my application?

You must be a registered skip bin supplier to apply for a skip bin permit.

Follow these steps to apply online:

  1. Register or log in using registration details
  2. Apply for a permit
  3. Select permit type
  4. Address
  5. Lodge
  6. Confirmation - Accept terms and conditions of use
  7. Summary - Attach any required documents
  8. Payment - Securely pay by credit card

What does the permit cost?

  • Application fee - $35.00
  • Permit fee per day - $30.00

Please refer to our Fee Schedule for a list of all permit fees and charges: Development Permits Fee Schedule 2024-25.PDF (740KB).

Permit Conditions

  • The location of the skip bin must comply with the requirements of VicRoads Code of Practice for the Placement of Waste Bins on Roadsides.
  • A minimum 3 metre width must be maintained to the opposite kerb, including laneways to maintain vehicle access.
  • The skip bin must not obstruct the passage of any pedestrian, cyclist or vehicle and must not obscure motorists’ view.
  • The skip bin must not be placed where standing or parking is prohibited.
  • The skip bin must be placed within the street frontage of the site that is to service.
  • The skip bin must be placed in the parking lane, within parking bays (if marked), of the road pavement, and clear of footpaths, nature strips, landscaped areas, vehicle crossings, through traffic lanes and clear-ways.
  • Reflective marking must be placed on each top corner and opposite ends of the skip bin in accordance with Appendix 1, VicRoads Code of Practice for the Placement of Waste Bins on Roadsides.
  • From sunset to sunrise, flashing yellow lights must be fitted and operating on the corners of the skip bin if placed on a main arterial road, a road where the road has reduced visibility, in low-lit or unlit areas and in narrow streets.
  • The skip bin must identify the name and contact details of the skip bin company.
  • Material stored in the skip bin must not rot or cause offensive odours.
  • Upon request the permit-holder must evidence public liability insurance for $20 million.
  • The placement or removal of the skip bin must not cause damage to Council’s infrastructure or community assets.
  • Any costs for damage to Council assets resulting from the placement, occupation or removal of the skip bin will be borne by the permit-holder.

Are any other permits required?

During building works you may require separate permits to use Council land to facilitate works. Permits may include: Skip Bin Permit, Street Occupation/Hoarding Permit, Road Closing Permit, Street Occupation Permit, Work Zone Permit, Asset Protection Permit, Out of Hours Permit.