Closed-circuit television (CCTV)
Our approach to CCTV cameras in public places
We have CCTV cameras in some of our key public places. It is one tool we use to keep you safe and prevent crime. There is also a rapid deployment CCTV trailer that can be used by Victoria Police at different locations across Port Phillip.
We are responsible for the infrastructure associated with the system. Victoria Police are responsible for the day-to-day operation of the cameras and monitoring of the network. Victoria Police own all footage.
Closed-circuit CCTV is a crime prevention tool which assists Victoria Police with incident response, crime management surveillance and other legitimate policing functions.
Locations with CCTV
The CCTV cameras are located in:
- Fitzroy Street, St Kilda
- Little Grey and Grey Streets, St Kilda
- The St Kilda Foreshore
- The Acland Street, St Kilda Entertainment Precinct

There are clear signs erected in the areas where Public Place CCTV cameras operate.
Protecting your privacy
We take your privacy seriously. There are signs near the cameras and on the mobile CCTV trailer to advise they are in operation. There are policies and procedures to ensure:
- Individual privacy and rights are protected.
- Cameras are only used for their designated purpose.
Footage storage and access
All footage captured is transferred in real-time to St Kilda Police Station where Victoria Police monitor it.
Recorded footage and images are kept for 31 days. Footage is destroyed if no request to view or access the footage was made during this period.
There are strict protocols and procedures to safeguard the integrity and accountability of the data.
All data is stored in a remote off-site location within a secure and monitored building with limited access to people.
Access to the data and the CCTV network is audited and evaluated on a regular basis and is also subject to random state government and privacy commission audits.
Requests for CCTV footage from the public in relation to a criminal matter should be directed to:
St Kilda Police Station
92 Chapel Street
St Kilda, Victoria, 3182
Policies and procedures
Our Public Place CCTV Policy guides Council’s decisions about proposed installations of CCTV in public places.
The Public Place CCTV Network Code of Practice describes how we manage our network of CCTV in public places.