Amendments C188port & C200port - HO7 - Extension of Interim Heritage Controls

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At its Ordinary Council Meeting on 17 March 2021, Council voted in favour of the Council Officer’s recommendation and determined to make a request to the Minister for Planning to extend the interim heritage controls. This affects all properties included in the proposed ‘Heritage Overlay 7 Precinct Extension’.
View the report and minutes from the meeting.
Following this, Council’s request was submitted to the Minister, and Council’s request to extend the expiry date of the interim heritage overlay through Amendment C200port has been approved under delegation from the Minister for Planning. The Amendment will come into effect in the coming weeks when notice of its approval is published in the Victoria Government Gazette. Please note that the current interim controls (applied through Amendment C188port) will continue to apply until 1 April 2021.
As such, the expiry date of the interim Heritage Overlay 7 (HO7) applying to these properties, was extended until 1 October 2021 through Amendment C200port to the Port Phillip Planning Scheme.
Once gazetted, you will be able to view the approved amendment documentation on the Victorian Government’s website by searching for Amendment C200port on the Port Phillip Planning Scheme website.
Council sought this extension to ensure that interim heritage protection is provided while permanent heritage controls are progressed through Amendment C161port Part 2 – Update Amendment.
Contact us
Our City Strategy and Policy team is here to help with this planning scheme amendment.
Send us a message on My Port Phillip.
Phone: 03 9209 6777
In person: ask at the customer service counter at St Kilda Town Hall during opening hours Monday to Friday.