What is it?

A planning documentation search lets you see completed planning files for a particular address. The documents that you can get include:

  • planning permits
  • endorsed plans
  • delegate reports
  • endorsed documents

Who is it for?

A planning documentation search is usually requested by people who have an interest in a proposal of a particular address. Or they are seeking the planning history of a particular site.

How to apply for a search

The easiest way to apply for a Planning Documentation Search is online. Follow the steps below:

To set up an account:

  1. Visit My Port Phillip
  2. To set up your account for the first time, click ‘Don’t have an account’ and select ‘Register using email’. Complete the form and include your address and contact details. After you ‘Submit’, you will need to verify your email.
  3. Select ‘Apply for a permit’
  4. Scroll down to ‘Planning and Building Documentation Search’
  5. Select ‘Start’
  6. In the drop-down, select ‘Planning File Search’


Application typeFee
Residential Single Dwelling (lodged from 2010 onwards)$69.40
Residential Single Dwelling (lodged prior to 2010)$129.60
Multi Unit Development/Commercial (lodged from 2010 onwards)$124.40
Multi Unit Development/Commercial (lodged prior to 2010)$388.70

There is a cost if you have more than 6 pages or you need printing on paper bigger than A3.

Scanning and photocopying sizeFee per page
First 6 pages (A4 or A3)Free
A1 and A0$9.40

After you apply

Searches are usually processed within 10 days of application, but complex searches can take longer.

Help and support

If you have any questions or need help, please contact us:

Online: My Port Phillip online services
Phone: 03 9209 6424
In person: visit the Planning & Building Counter at St Kilda Town Hall during opening hours (8:30 am to 5 pm, Monday to Friday)

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