
When it comes to demolition, or razing, there are many things to take into consideration. Depending on your project, you may need to seek report and consent as well as will apply for a building permit.

Report and Consent (Section 29A)

Under Section 29A of the Building Act 1993, consent may be required from the City of Port Phillip’s Planning Department before a building permit for demolition is issued.

Report and consent for demolition is required if your proposal includes demolishing:

  • an entire building
  • more than half the original building over a 3-year time period
  • any part of the facade of a building

If you are unsure whether a Report and Consent to demolish is required, we recommend, you should seek the advice of a registered building surveyor.

Follow these steps to apply online.

Note you must be a registered user of My Port Phillip and you must link your address to your account to apply online. It takes only three minutes to register. Find out how on Using My Port Phillip.

  1. Log in to My Port Phillip
  2. Apply for a permit
  3. Select permit type
  4. Address
  5. Lodge
  6. Confirmation - Accept terms and conditions of use
  7. Summary - Attach any required documents
  8. Payment - Securely pay by credit card

Alternatively, you can submit a Section 29A application form along with all required documents via email, post or in person. If your application is approved, the fee (if applicable) must be paid before the permit can be issued.

What to include

  • Demolition plans clearly outlining the proposed demolition

Building permit

A building permit to demolish is required to demolish all or part of a building in the City of Port Phillip, unless exempt. Refer to Schedule 3 of the Building Regulations 2018 for exemptions.

To make an application to demolish a building you will need to:

  • complete the building permit
  • submit a copy of the Certificate of Title and Owners' Consent
  • four copies of the site plan showing:
    • the perimeter of all buildings on site
    • outline and description of buildings or part of buildings to be demolished or removed
    • number of stories, type of construction, materials
    • distance from boundaries, buildings, streets, footpaths, crossings and dimensions
    • type and distance of buildings on adjoining allotments
    • all hoarding and public protection details including barricades, temporary crossings, protective awnings and outriggers, as part of report and consent.
  • where part of a building is being demolished or removed, you will need to provide computations or other information to show that the remainder of the building will comply with regulations, either as it remains after the proposed demolition or removal takes place, or after other works are completed.

Excavation and digging

If your work involves excavation or digging, please lodge a free enquiry with Dial Before You Dig to identify if there are any infrastructure assets within the area. Doing this will protect the safety of the people working and avoid disruptions to services. If excavating Council land you will need to be issued with a working within a road reserve consent from Council. Working Within Road Reserves

Other Permits

To demolish a structure with machinery an asset protection permit and temporary vehicle crossing permit must be issued by Council before works commence. For information please refer to Construction Permits


Asbestos-containing materials can be dangerous to your health if they are not properly maintained or removed carefully. The safest way to have asbestos removed is by a licensed asbestos removalist.

For more information on asbestos, including identifying, testing, removal and disposal, see the Government's Asbestos Safety website.

Contact us

Our Building Team is here to help with your questions about demolition.

Send us a message on My Port Phillip.

Phone: 03 9209 6253

In person: visit the Enquiries Counter at St Kilda Town Hall during opening hours Monday to Friday.