How we calculate rates

Step 1: We work out how much money we need to raise from rates to pay for the services we will deliver.

Step 2: We add up all the valuations of every residential, commercial and industrial property in Port Phillip.

Step 3: We calculate the rate in the dollar for each type of property. Revenue ÷ value of properties = rate in the dollar

In 2023/24 we need to raise $130 million in general rates income. The total value of all properties is $75 billion. In the 2023/24 budget, the differential rates for each property type are:

Resident rate payers will pay $0.001694 x Capital Improved Value in general rates.

Commercial rate payers will pay $0.002021 x Capital Improved Value in general rates.

Industrial rate payers will pay $0.002000 x Capital Improved Value in general rates.

Separate waste charges and new services

Last year, we introduced a separate waste charge. The charge helps manage the costs of delivering essential and highly valued waste services. We also began rolling out our Food and Garden Organic Waste (FOGO) service. In 2023/24, our default waste charge has gone up from $176.20 to $198.20 to accommodate for increases to the state landfill levy. The cost of kerbside FOGO has gone down from $88.10 to $66.00 for single-unit dwellings. 

The charges

  • All rateable properties have the waste charge of $198.20.
  • Properties that have a kerbside FOGO collection will also pay $66 for this service.

Differential ratings for different property types, our rating strategy and the separate waste charge are the most fair and equitable way to manage the rates burden and the rising cost of waste management.

Read more about the separate waste charge.

Your rates bill

On your bill expect to find:

  • General rates charge (Capital Improved Value x relevant differential rate)
  • Waste charge of $198.20
  • Victorian Government Fire Services levy

You may also have:

  • Kerbside FOGO bin service charge of $66
  • 240-litre waste bin surcharge $248

Your bill will also include and concessions or rebates you're entitled to.

Read more about Your rates notice.

What we do with rates and charges

The money raised through rates and charges is used to deliver quality services and manage $3.6 billion in infrastructure.

This year we're focused on:

  • roll out of FOGO services
  • delivering projects to enhance community assets
  • increased programs for our most vulnerable community members
  • managing cost inflation.

Every rate payer is provided a copy of our Rates Brochure (PDF 824KB). The brochure has more detail on where and how we spend this income.

Your questions on rates answered