Is the property I live in eligible for parking permits?

Find out your eligibility and entitlements for a parking permit.

Requesting a Parking Officer

Request a parking officer on My Port Phillip to investigate a suspected illegally parked vehicle. Our officers are notified and investigate between 6 am and 11 pm, seven days a week. You can also call 03 9209 6777 if you prefer.

Policies and strategies

We are committed to supporting a well-connected transportation future for our City, to make it easy for people to move around and connect with places in a way that suits them as our City grows.

Council's commitment is guided by the Move, Connect Live Integrated Transport Strategy and the Parking Management Policy.

Parking revenue

Parking fees and permit fees help to maintain local roads and parking assets. We fund these with limited support from other levels of government. 

These fees are separate from our rates charges. Only those who use the parking spaces or permits pay for their use.