Social support and recreation

Are you looking for more opportunities to connect in your local communities?
Are you 65 years or older?
Better Together Social Connection Program is for older people who are looking to connect and participate in interest-based activities and events.
This community based social connection program is delivered through the Commonwealth Home Support Program (CHSP) and supports people to engage in structured activities which are group based. Many of the activities and programs are designed to develop, maintain, and support social connection with others through the programs delivered.

Accessing services and funded supports
There are two access routes to this program, either through CHSP eligibility through a My Aged Care Assessment or accessing this program directly for people interested. Importantly, people who are CHSP eligible will receive a service which is subsided through the funding which is received.
Social Support Activities
The community based Better Together social connection program supports people 65 and above to engage in group and interest-based activities and programs.
Contact us
Get in touch for more information about Social Support and the Better Together Program.
Send us a message on My Port Phillip.
Phone: 03 9209 6777 and request the Social Support Team Leader.
Further support

The Rainbow Tick is a national quality framework and accreditation program. The City of Port Phillip’s Aged Care services have been accredited since 2013. This accreditation show’s our commitment to safe, inclusive practice and service delivery for LGBTI+ people

If you need an interpreter, please call TIS National on 131 450 the City of Port Phillip on 03 9209 6777.