Educational seminars for event organisers

Every year the City of Port Phillip Event Services team runs a series of free educational seminars aimed at assisting our event organisers to ensure their events run smoothly and safely.

Upcoming Seminars

We currently have no seminars scheduled.

Join our Educational Seminars mailing list to stay up to date

Previous seminars

Over the last few years our topics have included

  • Sponsorship
  • Marketing and social media
  • Fundraising
  • Risk Management
  • Managing volunteers
  • PPCA and APRA
  • OHS and Worksafe
  • EPA - Noise Management

Our guest speakers have included Victoria Police and Worksafe Victoria officers and the following event producers

  • Tracey Wall, Safety in Numbers
  • David Hansen, Supersprint
  • Anthony Marchesani, Melbourne Marathon
  • Tony Smith, Gasworks
  • Tracy Margieson, Williamstown Literary Festival
  • Jake Brown, St Kilda Festival

Contact us

Our Events Services team is here to help. You can send us a message on My Port Phillip, email us via, or call our helpful ASSIST team on 03 9209 6777.