Port Phillip Council values events. Events help make our City welcoming, healthy, safe and vibrant for all. We recognise that events bring a wealth of benefits to a community, from health and wellbeing of residents through to economic development for local businesses, cultural vibrancy and social engagement.

Any event attracting over 20 people or with significant infrastructure will require a permit. Events including:

If you are planning a major event that will attract large numbers, or require significant road closures, you will also need to submit an expression of interest for major events and markets.

All outdoor events and activities are assessed using the Events Strategy and Outdoor Events Policy.

The City of Port Phillip is committed to participation for all. Please take a look at our Accessibility and Disability Inclusion fact sheet to see how you can ensure your event is inclusive and accessible:

A card fee applies to all applications.

Occupancy Permit for a Place of Public Entertainment

Contact us

Our Events Services team is here to help. You can send us a message on My Port Phillip, email us via eventpermits@portphillip.vic.gov.au, or call our helpful ASSIST team on 03 9209 6777.