Speaking stories: digital histories 1
Alison Bain
King O’Malley’s House, 2011, 8mins
King O'Malley was a member of Australia's first Federal Parliament, he was involved in the founding of the Australian capital Canberra, and is also remembered as the founder of the Commonwealth Bank of Australia. He made his home in a modest brick house in Albert Park.
Alison Bain, King O’Malley’s House, 2011, 8mins
Wendy Butler
Return to the Hollywood, 2010, 6 mins
The Hollywood Hotel had been Wendy's home for a long time, and it held some precious memories. The chance to return there in its last days before the developers moved in, gave her the opportunity to do something she had always wanted to do - to clean it up!
Lois Daley
Childhood: a life of adventure, 6 mins
A happy childhood spent in and around Garden City and Port Melbourne.
Lois Daley, Childhood: a life of adventure, 6 mins
Colin Jones
Young Stan Veale, 2014, 6 mins
'Young Stan Veale' is the story of an enterprising junior member of the Royal Australian Navy and the first shot fired by Australian Military forces in WWI.
Colin Jones, Young Stan Veale, 2014, 6 mins
Colin Jones
South Melbourne beach, 2009, 5 mins
South Melbourne, May 1920, Petty Officer, Dudley Ricketts was present at the momentous occasion of the review of the Royal Australian Naval fleet, by the Prince of Wales.
Colin Jones, South Melbourne beach, 2009, 5 mins
Brenda Richards
The inheritance, 2005, 9 mins
You can't always choose what you inherit, but you can make the most of it.
Brenda Richards, The inheritance, 2005, 9 mins
Rose Stone
My divorced friends from Dalgety Street, 2006, 10 mins
A story of supportive friendships and new perspectives that became available to women in the 1970s through Feminism.
My divorced friends from Dalgety Street, 2006, 10 mins