
This grant program aims to activate public space in order to support the local community and businesses.

Projects supported by this Program should contribute to the Council Plan strategic directions to guide our program priorities for the future:

  • Vibrant Port Phillip – A City that has a flourishing economy, where our community and local businesses thrive, and we maintain and enhance our reputation as one of Melbourne’s cultural and creative hubs.
  • Liveable Port Phillip – A City that is a great place to live, where our community has access to high quality public spaces, development and growth are well-managed, and it is safer and easy to connect and travel within.

Grant value

Eligible projects can apply for up to $20,000.

In addition, Council can provide support to successful applicants with marketing, road closures, parking controls, permit approvals, permission to use spaces and more.

Key dates

ActivityScheduled Date

Applications open

9 am 27 February 2024

Applications close

11.59 pm 14 April 2024

Grant recipients announced

August 2024*

Funds issued to successful applicants

 August to September 2024*

Project delivery

Before 30 June 2025

Final acquittal due

31 July 2025

*Dates have been updated.


To be eligible to apply, applicants must:

  • Be for profit and incorporated under the Associations Incorporation Act or supported by an Incorporated Association, as classified by the Australian Taxation Office (section 103A(2) c) of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936).
  • Have a valid ABN.
  • Have Public Liability Insurance or an auspice organisation Public Liability Insurance with a minimum coverage of $20 million.
  • Comply with all terms and conditions included in Appendix C of this document.
  • Seek out an auspice organisation if they are a sole trader, individual or unregistered group.
  • Be based in Victoria or have a Victorian partner with the capability to deliver the project.
  • Have no outstanding acquittal reports for previous Love My Place and other City of Port Phillip grants.
  • Projects previously unfunded by the Love My Place program are eligible to apply

Applications that do not meet the eligibility criteria will not continue for further assessment.

There is no limit in the number of projects submitted by each applicant, however, a new application must be generated for each initiative.

What can be funded?

Examples of what can be funded as part of this grant program include, but are not limited to:

  • Experimental projects within the public realm.
  • Public space improvements, including landscaping, amenity, play, gathering spaces, etc.
  • Creative lighting installations, including projections.
  • Public art installations.
  • Creative events and music projects that prioritise place or place activation.
  • Temporary public urban agriculture/greening initiatives.
  • Interactive or experiential installations.

Applications for the 2024/25 program are now closed.

Thank you to everyone who submitted an application. The assessment is currently underway and the announcement date has been updated to August 2024.

Contact us

For any general queries about the Program, contact Alexander Albrecht:



Download a copy of the Love My Place 2024-25 Program Guidelines below:

Previous grant recipients


