The Palais Theatre Community Reservations

Photo: Palais Theatre by Ian Laidla
Community Reservations at the Palais Theatre is a City of Port Phillip initiative to increase access to hire of the Palais Theatre, to groups that may not otherwise be able to utilise the venue due to hire costs. Successful applicants for a community booking will have venue hire costs reduced to $1, enabling a range of users to experience this extraordinary venue.
The Palais Theatre is an iconic venue with a rich history as a key part of the cultural heritage of St Kilda, Melbourne and beyond. The venue has hosted some of Melbourne’s most renowned events, and continuously attracts national and international artists and promoters for performances ranging from all genres of music, through to opera and dance, comedy, gala events and more.
The Palais Theatre Community Purpose Reservations supports the City of Port Phillip’s Council Plan 2021-2031, specifically strategic direction Vibrant: a city that has a flourishing economy, where our community and local business thrive, and we maintain and enhance our reputation as one of Melbourne’s cultural and creative hubs.
The Palais Theatre is a highly sought after venue for artists, community groups and event producers, however venue size and associated expenses can make it inaccessible for noncommercial operators. The City of Port Phillip and Live Nation have partnered to make the Palais Theatre more accessible to the community and are seeking Expressions of Interest from event organisers, cultural and community groups who meet the criteria.
Key dates
The important dates are:
Applications Open for 2024 and 2025 events: November 2023
Applications Close: Spaces are now full for 2024. Apply for 2025 until spaces are exhausted.
If you can meet at least one of the following eligibility criteria, you're welcome to apply:
- The event would not otherwise be able to be held at Palais Theatre
- The event is produced by an organisation based within the City of Port Phillip
- The event can show a history or strong connection with the City of Port Phillip, it's residents or businesses
- The event will be able to provide low cost tickets for the audience
- The event would contribute to key initiatives within the City of Port Phillip Art and Soul, Prosperous and Creative City Strategy 2018-22
- The event will enable access to the City of Port Phillip community as a priority
Selection criteria
Applicants will need to respond to all relevant selection criteria:
- The event can demonstrate community development, arts or social benefit
- The event can demonstrate ability or opportunity to engage, including and connect the local City of Port Phillip Community
- The event's target market is demonstrably diverse and caters to audiences who would not necessarily traditionally attend events at the Palais Theatre
- Proceeds from the event are committed to be sent to a charity or community group via fundraising at or ticket sale proceeds from the event (please nominate the charity or community group)
- If the hirer is a commercial operator, the hire should aim to increase the likelihood of future large-scale bookings between the operator and the tenant
How to apply
Before applying, please ensure you read the guidelines and criteria on this page.
Applications can be submitted using a SmartyGrants online application. The application opens December 2023 and closes when all places are filled. Applicants will be notified of outcome within eight weeks of submission.
If you need help, please contact Partnerships and Industry Development Lead, Laura Pohlenz:
Tips for online submission
- It is recommended that applicants begin with an initial draft as an MS Word document and save to their desktop. It is possible to cut and paste text from a draft word document to the relevant field in the electronic document.
- Save a copy of your completed online form prior to final submission
- A confirmation of submission email should be received within one working day of submission with a final PDF copy of your application attached
Further information
Potential applicants are encouraged to contact the Partnerships and Industry Development Lead, Laura Pohlenz, to discuss their Expression of Interest or the application process including difficulties submitting online: