Friends of Suai Covalima

The City of Port Phillip has a formal commitment to support our friendship between communities in Port Phillip and Suai, Covalima in East Timor.


St Kilda Town Hall, 99a Carlisle Street, St Kilda

Other information

The City of Port Phillip has a longstanding relationship with the coastal town of Suai, located in the municipality of Covalima, East Timor.  It was formed in response to the community’s concern around the mass destruction and killings that occurred after the vote for independence in 1999. A friendship was developed between the two municipalities and communities. This has been formally recognised through three ten-year Friendship Agreements initially signed in 2000 and renewed in 2010 and 2020. 

The Friends of Suai Community Reference Committee promotes the Friends of Suai Covalima (East Timor) program across the Port Phillip community, and promotes and assists with ongoing relationships between the Port Phillip and Suai communities.

The Committee is an Advisory Group to Council, comprising local community members with a variety of backgrounds and interests, a Council representative and key City of Port Phillip staff.