Plastic Free July is coming! Make a pledge that works for you

Every day we’re inundated with plastic items. While some can be recycled, much end up in our garbage stream or worse, in nature. Once in our environment, they can end up in our water supply, food systems, and even inside us.
Plastic Free July is an initiative that supports people to reduce or even eliminate their use of plastic for a month. It’s like dry July but for plastic!
How can I get involved?
You can start small. You can take a pledge to avoid single-use items like a water bottle. Or you can give up all plastic items for the entire month, avoiding things like shampoo dispensers or packaged meat.
This year’s campaign focuses on small changes that each of us can make, such as:
- refilling a reusable water bottle from the tap
- bringing a reusable cup or sitting down and enjoying your coffee
- switching from plastic wrap to reusable containers or wax wraps
- taking empty containers to your deli or supermarket when buying food.
Trying to give up single use plastics and avoid other plastics on your own can be challenging. But by joining the challenge, you can get access to support and resources and track your progress.
Sign up to the challenge: Small steps, big difference | Plastic Free July 2023
How we’re reducing plastic pollution
On top of our existing recycling services, we’re supporting programs and behaviours that discourage plastic production and reduce plastic pollution, including:
- Our new reusable nappy program – We know that switching to reusable nappies can be daunting. This is why we’re running two free educational webinars this July. Attendees will receive five free nappies and a wet bag. Bookings are open.
- Our Vape Recycling trial – last year we launched our first-ever vape recycling trial. This service prevents vape waste, including plastic, from entering our environment.
- Port Phillip Repair Café and St Kilda Bike Kitchen – We encourage residents to repair bikes and other household items at these volunteer-led events that pop up at our Eco Centre.
- Sharing schemes – We encourage our community to avoid purchasing brand new items that they may only use occasionally. Elwood’s kitchen library and other sharing schemes allow you to borrow everything from glassware to expensive kitchen appliances for a small fee.
Repairing items and minimizing new purchases reduces demand for ‘virgin’ materials to be created in the first place, including plastic. This reduces the likelihood they’ll end up as pollution.