• Transport, mobility and safety

109 tram terminus improvements

Published 5 May 2022
Partnering to deliver reliable, accessible and more frequent public transport.

The contents of this page have been archived. This represents Council’s advocacy position prior to the 2022 State and Federal elections.

For updated information on any of these projects, please contact Council.

What is the ask?

Council requests the Victorian Government to commit to finalise planning and building for the planned terminus redevelopment to improve tram capacity capabilities of the 109 Box Hill to Port Melbourne route. This includes safety and amenity improvements to the adjoining public realm, including the tram plaza and the popular shared paths of the Sandridge and Bay Trails.

Council understands that a concept design for the tram works was completed in 2020 and already exists.

What is the issue this initiative will address?

The Station Pier tram terminus is the final stop on the 109-tram route that connects Port Melbourne to Box Hill via the City. However, the capacity for more frequent trams is hindered by an outdated terminus.

The terminus is a major gateway for visitors arriving to Victoria via Station Pier and for a growing population of residents and visitors to the precinct but has an unwelcoming public realm with poor amenity.

The existing terminus creates conflicts between passengers and people using the Sandridge shared path.

What is Council proposing?

As the City continues to grow, we need to work with our partners to improve reliability, capacity and frequency of public transport to reduce our reliance on cars.

Council is advocating for the Victorian Government to commit to improvements to the terminus and tracks to improve tram capacity capabilities of the 109 Box Hill to Port Melbourne route by building a new terminus.

The redeveloped terminus will improve the tram plaza at Waterfront Place for residents and visitors. The plaza would also better serve and connect two major mixed-use developments that are currently planned either side of the tram terminal, 1-7 Waterfront Place and 105 Beach Street.

The project will improve safety by reducing conflict between pedestrians and bike riders near the terminus. It will also improve pedestrian connections and shade.

How does this initiative align with the Council Plan and Victorian Government priorities?


Council Plan 2021-31: Liveable Port Phillip – the City is well connected and easy to move around with options for sustainable and active transport.

Move, Connect, Live Integrated Transport Strategy 2018-28

  • The City is well connected and easy to move around with options for sustainable and active transport. Outcome 3 - our community has convenient public transport choices that make it easier to move and connect.

Public Space Strategy

  • Waterfront Place landscape Masterplan to guide the future use and design of Waterfront Place and integrate with the Station Pier upgrade. This includes consideration of the connectivity to and future use of Beacon Cove Pier, Beacon Cove Promenade, Beach Street Foreshore and the Station Pier Linear Park.

Victorian Government

The project will allow the Victorian Government to improve visitor experience at this international gateway and meet federal Disability Discrimination Act requirements to provide accessible stops and supports the goals and outcomes outlined below:

  • Simple Connected Journeys Strategic Plan 2019-23: Deliver investments that unlock system wide benefits - planning for the redevelopment of Station Pier
  • Plan Melbourne 20-minute neighbourhoods by connecting a large growing population in Port Melbourne and South Melbourne to CBD jobs.

How does this initiative assist the community recover from COVID-19?

  • improve attractiveness and safety of active transport along the Sandridge and Bay Trails
  • create improved public amenity of Waterfront Place, which will provide increased opportunities for outdoor socialising and passive recreation
  • create short-term jobs
  • allow for greater social distancing through increased tram capacity
  • attract tourists and visitors to the area by making it more welcoming and easier to navigate
  • address a missing piece of the puzzle in the Port Melbourne Waterfront area.

Cost and current status?


The cost will be subject to a detailed cost analysis following detailed design. Council also requests $200,000 for a landscape masterplan for the tram plaza and connections.


  • designs and a business case have been completed by Department of Transport (DoT)
  • there is strong community support for this project
  • timing is critical as nearby major developments are likely to receive approval soon and be willing to contribute to public space.